Derrick Bragg has been employed in the municipal sector for more than 26 years. He began his career as a power engineer but branched off in a different direction when he became Town Clerk/Manager with the Town of Greenspond in 1986. While there, he became involved in the fire department where he has been Chief since 1988. An active member of his community, Derrick has held the seat of President of the Greenspond Recreation Committee, and Vice-President and Treasurer of the Crystal Gliders Figure Skating Club.
Keeping with his dedication to his field, he sits on various municipal committees including the Municipal Training and Development Corporation, the Community Cooperation Resource Center, Municipal Safety Sectoral Council, Cape Freels Development Association, Centreville-Wareham-Trinity/Indian Bay/Greenspond Tourism Initiative and as well, the Bonavista North Waste Management Committee.
Lastly, one of the most important associations Derrick is involved in is Professional Municipal Administrators where he currently holds the seat of President. He began with PMA in 2006 when he was elected as Central Director. From there, he was elected to Vice-President and now President. As a municipal administrator himself, Derrick realizes the important role this association plays and is committed to improving the quality of administration in local government.